laguz rune meaning with description

Laguz Rune Meaning – The Water Rune

Laguz, also known as Lagu, is the 21st rune of the Elder Futhark and holds a special place within the ancient Norse tradition. Associated with water, flow, intuition, and the subconscious, Laguz embodies the ever-changing nature of life and the deep, mysterious currents that guide our journey. In this in-depth exploration of the Laguz rune, we will delve into its history, meaning, and significance, as well as its role in divination, magic, and personal growth.

I. Laguz Rune Meaning Overview

Laguz represents fluidity. It holds the powers of the dies and the force of waterfalls. We must go with the flow when we encounter this rune, or else be washed away by its power. Laguz demonstrates the law of opposites, although we cannot live without water for long, we cannot live in water long either. It also represents the abundance of life found in physical matter and objects.

Laguz represents sensual madness of sexuality, the unconscious, intuitive, and psychic abilities. Its deceptive elements come from its variety, rather than from any meance. Traditionally, Laguz is the ultimate female rune.


  • Psychic Abilities
  • Flow
  • Emotions
  • Spiritual Counseling
  • Life

II. The History of Laguz

Origins and Etymology

Laguz belongs to the Elder Futhark, the oldest known runic alphabet, which dates back to the 2nd to 8th centuries CE. The Elder Futhark consists of 24 runes, each with its own unique symbolism and meaning. The name “Laguz” comes from the Old Norse word “lagu,” which translates to “water” or “lake.” Similarly, the Old English word “lagu” also means “water,” emphasizing the strong connection between the rune and this vital element.

Throughout the history of the Germanic peoples, water was regarded as a powerful and sacred force, representing both the source of life and the gateway to the unknown. The Laguz rune embodies this dual nature, symbolizing the depths of our subconscious mind and the ever-changing flow of life.

The Laguz Rune Symbol

The Laguz rune is represented by a simple, downward-pointing arrow or “V” shape, symbolizing the flow of water and the descent into the depths of our subconscious. This symbol reflects the essence of Laguz, which is the exploration of our inner world and the cultivation of a deep connection with our intuition and the natural flow of life.

III. The Meaning of Laguz

Water and Flow

At its core, Laguz symbolizes the element of water and its many manifestations, from calm lakes and flowing rivers to the vast, untamed ocean. Water represents both the nurturing, life-giving force that sustains us and the powerful, sometimes destructive force that can reshape our world. The Laguz rune teaches us to embrace the ever-changing nature of life and to adapt to the ebb and flow of our circumstances with grace and resilience.

Intuition and the Subconscious

Laguz is also closely associated with intuition, the deep, inner knowing that guides us on our journey. The rune reminds us of the importance of trusting our instincts and listening to our inner voice, even when the path forward may be uncertain or unclear. By cultivating a strong connection with our intuition, we can navigate the complexities of life with greater confidence and clarity.

In addition to intuition, Laguz represents the realm of the subconscious mind, the mysterious, hidden depths of our psyche. The rune encourages us to explore our inner world and to confront the fears, desires, and emotions that lie beneath the surface of our conscious awareness. By acknowledging and integrating these hidden aspects of ourselves, we can achieve greater self-understanding and personal growth.

Renewal and Transformation

The element of water is closely connected to the concepts of renewal and transformation. Just as water can shape and alter the landscape, the Laguz rune signifies the transformative power of our emotions, intuition, and subconscious mind. The rune teaches us that change and growth are essential aspects of life and that by embracing these processes, we can unlock our full potential and create a more fulfilling and abundant existence.

IV. Laguz in Norse Mythology

Water Deities and Symbols

In Norse mythology, water played a prominent role, with several deities and mythological creatures associated with this vital element. For example, the god Njord, who was the god of the sea, wind, and fertility, symbolized the life-giving and nourishing aspects of water. Njord was often invoked by sailors and fishermen for protection and prosperity, illustrating the close connection between water and the well-being of the Norse people.

Another water-related figure in Norse mythology is the goddess Ran, who ruled over the realm of the dead at the bottom of the ocean. Ran was known to capture sailors in her net and drag them down to her watery abode, representing the darker, more dangerous aspects of the ocean and the mysteries of the subconscious mind.

In addition to deities, several mythological creatures were associated with water, such as the World Serpent Jormungandr, who encircled the Earth and held its tail in its mouth. This massive serpent represented the boundaries of the known world and the unknown depths of the ocean, further emphasizing the dual nature of water as both a life-sustaining force and a gateway to the unknown.

The Well of Urd

Another significant water symbol in Norse mythology is the Well of Urd, one of the three wells that nourished the World Tree, Yggdrasil. The Well of Urd, located in Asgard, was the source of wisdom and knowledge for the gods. The Norns, three powerful female figures who shaped the destinies of gods and humans, resided near the well and tended to Yggdrasil by pouring water from the well over its roots.

The Well of Urd represents the collective unconscious and the deep reservoir of wisdom and knowledge that lies within each of us. The Laguz rune’s connection to water and the subconscious mind can be seen as a reflection of this ancient symbol, reminding us of the importance of exploring our inner world and tapping into the depths of our intuition and inner wisdom.

V. Laguz in Divination and Rune Spreads

Laguz in Rune Readings

When Laguz appears in a rune reading, it often signifies the importance of going with the flow, trusting one’s intuition, and embracing the transformative power of change. The rune may suggest that the querent is entering a period of emotional or personal growth, requiring them to delve into their subconscious mind and confront their fears, desires, or unresolved emotions.

Laguz can also indicate that the querent should pay attention to their dreams, instincts, and inner guidance, as these may hold valuable insights and wisdom. The appearance of the Laguz rune in a reading may serve as a reminder to trust the process and be open to the unknown, recognizing that life’s mysteries and challenges often lead to growth and transformation.

Laguz in Magic and Spiritual Practice

In magical and spiritual practice, Laguz can be used as a powerful symbol for deepening one’s connection with their intuition, exploring the subconscious mind, and embracing the transformative power of change. By meditating on the Laguz rune or incorporating it into rituals and magical workings, practitioners can tap into the energies of water, flow, and intuition, manifesting these qualities in their own lives and the lives of those around them.

Working with the Laguz rune can also help practitioners to develop a greater sense of trust in their instincts and inner guidance, allowing them to navigate life’s challenges with greater confidence and clarity. Additionally, the rune can serve as a reminder to embrace the natural flow of life, adapting to change with resilience and grace.

VI. Laguz as a Birth Rune

Qualities and Characteristics

Individuals with Laguz as their birth rune, typically born between April 29 and May 14, are known for their deep connection to their intuition and their natural affinity for navigating the emotional and spiritual realms. They possess a strong understanding of the importance of flow and adaptability in life, often exhibiting a remarkable ability to adapt to change and navigate complex emotional situations with ease and grace.

Strengths and Talents

People born under the influence of Laguz often have a natural talent for empathy and emotional intelligence, enabling them to connect with others on a profound level and offer support and guidance when needed. Their innate sense of intuition and inner wisdom makes them skilled at understanding the deeper aspects of life and the human experience, often leading them to pursue careers in fields such as psychology, counseling, or spiritual guidance.

In addition to their emotional and intuitive gifts, individuals with Laguz as their birth rune often possess a deep connection to nature and the element of water, finding solace and inspiration in the natural world. They may be drawn to activities that involve water, such as swimming, sailing, or exploring the ocean’s depths, and often feel a strong connection to the cycles and rhythms of the natural world.

Challenges and Areas for Growth

As with any birth rune, Laguz also presents certain challenges and areas for growth. One potential challenge for those born under the influence of Laguz is the risk of becoming overwhelmed by their emotions or the emotions of others, leading to feelings of confusion or instability. It is essential for these individuals to develop healthy emotional boundaries and self-care practices, ensuring that they can maintain their balance and well-being even in the face of life’s inevitable ups and downs.

Another challenge for those with Laguz as their birth rune is the potential for becoming too passive or reliant on their intuition, avoiding confrontation or difficult situations in favor of going with the flow. While adaptability and trust in one’s instincts are valuable qualities, it is also important for these individuals to recognize when action and assertiveness are necessary, cultivating the courage and determination to face challenges head-on when needed.

Embracing Laguz’s Wisdom

For those with Laguz as their birth rune, embracing the wisdom of this ancient symbol can lead to greater self-awareness, personal growth, and overall well-being. By fostering a strong connection with their intuition and learning to navigate the emotional and spiritual realms with skill and grace, individuals born under the influence of Laguz can harness the power of flow and transformation to achieve their goals and fulfill their purpose in life.

Incorporating practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and spending time in nature can help those with Laguz as their birth rune to deepen their understanding of the importance of flow and adaptability in their lives, and to cultivate a more fulfilling and abundant existence. By honoring their connection to the ancient wisdom of the runes and embracing the principles of water, intuition, and change, individuals with Laguz as their birth rune can unlock their full potential and lead lives of joy, harmony, and purpose.

VII. Conclusion

The Laguz rune, with its rich history and profound symbolism, offers valuable insights into the importance of flow, intuition, and personal transformation in our lives. By exploring the rune’s origins, meaning, and significance, as well as its role in divination, magic, and personal growth, we can gain a deeper understanding of the ancient wisdom of the runes and apply their teachings to our own lives. Whether seeking guidance in navigating the complexities of our emotions, striving to develop a deeper connection with our intuition, or simply wishing to embrace the natural flow of life, the Laguz rune serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of water, the mysteries of our subconscious mind, and the boundless potential that lies within each of us.

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